Tito’s in a can*

Instead of launching a canned seltzer like every other spirits brand, Tito’s launched a limited-edition, 16-ounce, double-insulated, refillable ... empty can. So Tito’s drinkers can make their own, better-quality seltzers and still drink from a totally cool can.

Client: Tito’s Vodka // Agency: Arts & Letters Creative Co. // Director: Geoff Castillo // DP: Robert Bryant // Editor: Ben Surber // Assistant Editor: Sho Kellam // EP: Whitney Green // Post Producer: Lauren Galanides // AD: Danny Caporaletti // Production design: Steven Harris // Art Assist: Larin Brink // Gaffer: Rob Vaughn // DIT: Matthew Moniuszko // Food Styling: Elliott Shaffner, Katie Taylor // PA: Ben Corfield, Colin Earner, Gary Stewart // Color: Matt Doe // Agency Creatives: Christina Nordin, Erica Canup // Agency ECD: Nick Kaplan, Jed Grossman // Agency Producer: Zack Sabin // Agency EP: Adrienne Daniel


Tito's in a Can